Syncretism of Culture

Cultural syncretism is the coexistence of different cultures. It is the coexistence of different cultures through the processes of adoption, integration, and exclusion. One of the keys to the development and welfare of any social system is the syncretism of culture. Human genes are influenced by culture. The role of cultural syncretism is immense in developing diversity and harmony in the social system.

Syncretism of Culture

Syncretism of Culture:

Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from values, systems, language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, arts, etc. And coordination is moving something forward through mutual exchange. Cultural syncretism is to adapt and accept different cultures to live in such a way that peaceful coexistence is maintained between people and society.


Types of Cultural Syncretism:

Cultural syncretism can be divided into 2 categories.

  1. Cultural Integration. 
  2. Cultural Assimilation.

1. Cultural Integration:

When an individual or group comes into contact with another individual or group and adopts cultural elements from that individual or group and thus transforms the culture of that group, it is called cultural integration. Another aspect of cultural integration is when individuals from other cultures introduce elements of their own culture to their new one. In other words, it is a form of cultural exchange in which one group assumes the beliefs, practices, and rituals of another group without sacrificing the characteristics of their own culture.  

An Example of Cultural Integration:

Japanese immigrants can eat Japanese food in the USA. 


2. Cultural Assimilation:

When an individual or group adopts the culture of another individual or group. In other words, the process of completely accepting the behavior, system, beliefs, values, way of life, etc, of another individual or group and merging with them is called cultural assimilation.

An Example of Cultural Assimilation:

Tex-Mex is an assimilation of Mexican and American cuisines.



Syncretism of culture is essential for people of different cultures to live peacefully together. It promotes humanistic values. It is through this that social progress and welfare can be achieved.


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