The Silent Pandemic - Social Anxiety Disorder

Fear of being judged or criticized—We often feel someone might be judging us. It is normal to have this kind of thought. But if it gets intense and persistent and makes a person feel fear and anxiety about someone watching and judging them all the time, then it is a social anxiety disorder. It is also known as social phobia. Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a medical condition where a person fears and has anxiety about being judged or criticized by others negatively. It is a chronic illness. People with social anxiety find it hard to interact with other people or meet new people. Especially in a social situation, they find it hard to socialize with others because of their fear and anxiety. Children and adults can be diagnosed with social anxiety. It usually starts in the teen years, around 13 years of age. 

To some extent, everybody experiences social anxiety. However, if it is intense and persistent, then it might turn severe. People with this condition may not have any or very few relationships. It leaves them feeling helpless and ashamed. The fear of being judged can be so intense that sometimes it affects a person's ability to do well in their profession or other activities. "Normal" interactions with people, such as making eye contact with them or having small talk with others, make them quite uncomfortable. It is the overwhelming fear of being judged and watched, getting in the spotlight, accidentally offending someone, etc. If it is not diagnosed or treated, this can result in eating disorders, alcohol use disorders, and other disorders.

The Silent Pandemic - Social Anxiety Disorder


The cause of the social phobia is unclear. However, it is thought to be a combination of genetics and environmental factors. Like having close relatives with anxiety disorders. It may be a learned behavior. Some people may have severe anxiety after being in an uncomfortable or embarrassing social environment. Being exposed to neglect and abuse, getting bullied or teased All of this can cause significant anxiety, which can lead to social anxiety disorder.


Sometimes its symptoms are so unnoticeable that people are not even aware of it. It has both emotional and physical symptoms.

Emotional Symptoms:

  • If a person experiences anxiety whenever he or she needs to go out. Having anxiety when meeting new people, doing daily tasks in the presence of others, or speaking on the phone.
  • People with social phobia tend to avoid activities that include a lot of people because of their fear of being judged or watched by other people. These fears often have an impact on a person's self-esteem and interpersonal skills.
  • Poor eye contact, a tendency to avoid other people, expecting the worst-case scenario, etc.

Physical Symptoms: Social anxiety disorder can sometimes be accompanied by physical symptoms, which may include:

  1. Excessive blush and sweating.
  2. Rapid heartbeat
  3. Feeling sick or trembling
  4. Shortness of breath
  5. Loss of self-control
  6. Headaches and dizziness
  7. Nausea 
  8. Panic attack etc.

An Example of a Person with Social Anxiety Disorder:

Kei works for a private company. Most of the time, he feels insecure and fears that he's being judged. He always tries to avoid interacting with others and social gatherings. He dared not go into the office for fear that he might embarrass himself or that others might observe him. During his presentation, he experiences nausea, headaches, excessive sweating, and panic attacks. Here, Kei is suffering from a social anxiety disorder, which is why he is afraid of socializing with others.

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